
Use Cases



With the cloud architecture and intuitive interface in InsightIDR, it's easy to centralize and analyze your data across logs, network, endpoints, 更重要的是,要在几个小时内——而不是几个月里——找到结果. User and 攻击者行为分析, along with insights from our threat intel network, is automatically applied against all of your data, 帮助您及早发现并响应攻击.



In 2017, 80% of hacking-related breaches used either stolen passwords and/or weak or guessable passwords. Users are both your greatest asset and your greatest risk. insighttidr使用机器学习来 为用户的行为设定基准,自动提醒您使用 偷来的凭证 或者是异常的横向运动.



Between Metasploit, penetration tests, and our 24/7 托管检测和响应服务, we're investigating a constant stream of attacker behavior. As part of the investigative process, our analysts directly contribute 攻击者行为分析 (ABA) detections into InsightIDR, paired with recommendations and adversary context. These detections leverage the real-time user and endpoint data collected by InsightIDR. The result: the alert fidelity you want, filled with the context you need.



Threat detection and response is a critical piece in an ongoing journey to improve your security program, but feeling confident in your coverage can seem challenging with a remote workforce. 当用户处于远程状态时, they may be operating assets like laptops in potentially hostile networks outside of IT and security’s control. 有效地完成他们的工作, your remote employees still need access to company data and key applications.

为了应对这些挑战, we’ve developed a comprehensive approach to detection and response, 帮助您实现业务连续性, keep your organization protected (no matter where they are), and build a foundation for success across your entire environment.



Incident investigations aren't easy when you're facing a mountain of alerts with log data and spreadsheets. Every alert in InsightIDR automatically surfaces important user and asset behavior, along with context around any malicious behavior. Easily pivot from a visual timeline to log search, on-demand 端点审讯, or user profiles to scope the incident and take informed action.


Automatically Contain Compromised Users and Assets

Save time and lower risk across your entire incident response lifecycle. 在insighttidr中调查威胁时, 你不仅得到了重要的背景, but you can take immediate steps to contain a threat. 随附Insight Agent, you can kill malicious processes or quarantine infected endpoints from the network. You can also use InsightIDR to take containment actions across Active Directory, 访问管理, EDR, 防火墙工具. This gives your team the power to directly contain threats on an endpoint, network, and user level.



虽然合规性并不等于安全性, it’s important to be able to share the health of your network with key third-parties. In addition to automatically analyzing your data for 攻击者的行为 and anomalous user activity, you’re able to search, visualize, and report across your data.



For any type of alert created or managed by InsightIDR, you can automatically create a corresponding ticket or case in tools like JIRA and ServiceNow. 配合我们的本地案例管理功能, 这确保了对于任何警报, the right team members are notified and empowered to take action.



微软Azure是一个强大的, flexible, scalable infrastructure platform for hosting applications in the cloud. But Azure安全 challenges don’t disappear; enterprises still need to protect themselves against phishing and social engineering attacks, 云资产配置错误, 攻击者的横向移动, and other causes of data breaches and service interruptions.

insighttidr - rapid7的云SIEM for modern detection and response–offers an ideal solution. It collects data from the major management and security tools native to Azure, combines that with information from across the organization’s IT footprint, and uses advanced analytics to detect malicious behaviors. It also 为快速事件响应提供上下文 and 支持云报告和遵从性.



亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Rapid7的首选云提供商, offers a feature-rich environment for hosting and managing cloud-based applications on a flexible, 高度可扩展的基础设施. However, AWS云安全 仍然是一个挑战. Amazon Security Hub and Amazon GuardDuty provide some visibility into log data and security events in AWS environments, but they lack advanced analytics and other features needed to detect and respond to threats.

Rapid7 InsightIDR is a fast-to-deploy cloud-based SIEM 旨在快速检测复杂的攻击. It aggregates data from AWS sources like CloudTrail and GuardDuty, together with information from on-premises networks, endpoints, 以及其他云平台. 它使用 用户行为分析(UBA), 业界领先的威胁情报, and 自动化工作流 to help security teams uncover and investigate threats in AWS environments and across the organization’s entire IT footprint.



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