
Experity Relies on Rapid7 管理服务 to Scale Security Operations





国内最大的两家紧急护理电子医疗记录(EMR)公司联合成立了experiity, a dynamic Health Information Technology company. 随着合并,更多的员工在更多的地方工作,以开发和支持Experity的综合紧急护理操作系统. 今天, Experity provides integrated technology 和 services solutions to more than 5,700 on-dem和 healthcare practices, 急救中心, 诊断测试中心, 和 primary care centers nationwide. 公司发展迅速,致力于推动以患者为中心的医疗保健革命. 


The rapid expansion of personnel, 办公室的位置, 合并后的软件和服务给安全团队带来了独特的挑战. “我们有一个小团队,我们肩负着一项相当重要的使命,即保护公司免受任何损失事件的影响,卡尔·斯特恩说, 导演 of Information Security. 这种对业务连续性和标准化的需求促使experiity团队寻找能够帮助他们管理安全操作并在其安全计划中建立弹性的提供商. “Which is where Rapid7 managed services comes into play,” explains Stern. “如果没有Rapid7管理的服务,我们可能需要将团队规模扩大三倍或四倍才能获得所需的覆盖范围.”

Rapid7’s got the market cornered in terms of managed services. 我们现在依靠MDR来审查警报,并告诉我们他们是否看到了来自用户的异常活动. 大多数情况下,当我们收到警报时,它已经由工程师处理了.
Carl Stern, 导演 of Information Security


Experity found its answer in Rapid7, purchasing MDR for incident detection 和 response, 管理AppSec to enhance their application security, 和 InsightVM for vulnerability scanning. 通过活动监测, dynamic application security testing, 和 advanced vulnerability management analytics, Experity can now automatically assess, 理解, 和 respond to risk across the entire IT infrastructure.

“Rapid7’s got the market cornered in terms of managed services,斯特恩说。. “我们现在依靠MDR来审查警报,并告诉我们他们是否看到了用户的异常活动. 大多数情况下,当我们收到警报时,它已经由工程师处理了. I know that if an alert gets to us 和 Rapid7’s MDR team is asking us questions, 我有信心告诉我的安全行动小组停止他们正在做的事情,立即解决这个问题.


斯特恩的任务是建立一个安全团队,并提高他们使用的安全工具的水平. “该公司一直在使用管理检测和响应(MDR)平台,但我很清楚,虽然它在我们实施时满足了需求, the solution didn’t really roll with all the changes. 例如,它只监视网络和服务器活动,而不监视端点活动. 我们希望能够监控台式机和笔记本电脑,因为十有八九, 这就是公司陷入麻烦的地方——用户点击了他们不应该点击的东西.”

Prior to the merger, most employees were based in one office. 所以,如果斯特恩看到一个用户的活动,他就知道这个用户,知道他们应该做什么. With Experity’s new scale, the security team needed a platform to vet alerts. “We have so many more employees 和 contractors, so if we see alerts or activity from these users, we don’t know if that’s normal or not,斯特恩解释道. “That’s a pretty unique challenge for us.”

Stern开始寻找一种MDR和漏洞管理解决方案,可以监控所有活动,并提供用户友好和可操作的仪表板. “I wanted a company that had the right product 和 provided a managed service, 因为当时只有我一个人,一个人不可能一天24小时监控交通. 我希望能够在早上进来,看着一块玻璃,看看在过去的24小时里发生了什么,是否有什么我应该担心的.”

Meeting Regulatory Compliance St和ards

事实证明,这些高级安全功能有助于识别和压制恶意行为,并确保符合HIPAA和HITRUST等法规. “在我们的一个解决方案中, all user accounts are now managed in Active 导演y, 突然之间,我们看到成千上万的用户都是客户. Rapid7 is extremely helpful in that regard, 如果有可能危及客户凭证的异常行为,会向我们发出警报.”

Cutting Through The Application Security Clutter

随着experiity投资组合的增长, Stern寻找一种强大的解决方案,为开发团队一直在管理的web应用程序提供漏洞管理见解. Rapid7的InsightAppSec, the technology behind 管理AppSec, 提供他们所需的所有功能,并提供托管服务的附加好处. “InsightAppSec has helped us solidify our inventory of web apps. We can see where our apps live, 从本质上讲,我们有一个可以在不影响生产环境的情况下工作的地方,斯特恩解释道. “这对我们来说很重要.”

Stern还指出,Rapid7的管理AppSec提供了验证和背景,使他的团队能够专注于关键的事情. “If we managed application security tools internally, 我们会看到数以百计的警报,必须进行分析,弄清楚哪些是什么. 管理AppSec比使用静态的Excel表格或包含上百项内容的PDF文件更容易管理.”

Rapid7的团队还直接与负责修复的experiity开发人员会面. “这是巨大的,斯特恩说。, “because it eliminates the ‘lost in translation’ issue, where the findings get communicated to my team. 我的团队会做笔记. My team goes to the developers. 开发者问问题. We try to answer, but we might be getting some of it wrong. 所以我们把这部分删掉了. 那也很棒.”

作为订阅服务的一部分,Rapid7 管理AppSec客户可以查看底层的InsightAppSec仪表板, a popular value-add 和 differentiator for Experity’s security team. “With a lot of other managed services, 它是一个黑盒子,你只能看到环境中发生的事情的一部分,斯特恩说. “I like that although Rapid7 is a managed service, we still have full access to a dashboard for greater visibility. 我们的Rapid7安全顾问也会给我发电子邮件,让我知道有趣的发现. It’s more of a human connection.”

I like that although Rapid7 is a managed service, we still have full access to a dashboard for greater visibility. 我们的Rapid7安全顾问也会给我发电子邮件,让我知道有趣的发现. It’s more of a human connection.
Carl Stern, 导演 of Information Security

Gaining The Peace Of Mind To Focus On What’s Next

“With the breadth of responsibility we have, 除了关注环境警报,我们还需要做很多事情,斯特恩说. “Knowing that we have a 24-hour MDR SOC doing that for us is great. 我终于能够把注意力集中在大局上,规划我们项目的方向,而不是陷入每个提醒的细节中. My team can focus more of our energy on our operations project work, 以及政策和审计工作, 这是一只熊, especially when you’re talking about things like HITRUST certifications. 多亏了一个不可思议的团队,我们在完善政策和审计计划方面取得了很大进展,和 part of that success is due to our partnership with Rapid7.”

A 合作伙伴hip Built For The Future

与Rapid7的合作给了experiity的安全团队更大的信心,相信随着公司的扩张,他们有能力扩大规模. “我喜欢Rapid7的一个原因是他们不断发展和改进他们的产品, 就像Experity继续成长并成为紧急护理EMR的市场领导者一样,斯特恩说. “在Experity, one of our core values is “Team First”, 和 I’m fortunate to work with an extraordinary team, 和 Rapid7 is an extension of that. Rapid7一直是我们真正的合作伙伴,在整个过程中一直支持我们.”

Gain a complete, end-to-end SOC without the overhead

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